Salon Kitty

The Gestapo!
Are you crazy?
You let those Gestapo brings me here
like a criminal, in order to tell me what?

That you have to commit my girls,
because they are foreigners...

...and close my nightclub?
The Party needs my place.

It's not up to me.
And whom the fuck would it be up to?
Himmler, Von Riebentrop?

They are all my clients, except you.
Have they gone crazy, too?

I'll make a call to all of them immediately.
I'll show you who Kitty is!

Do you think this is the right day, Kitty?
The war has just started.

What the fuck does the war
have to do with my work?

Do you want us to wear a chastity belt
just because the war has started?

Do you want my girls to
become little red swastikas?

Wallenberg, you haven't learned
a thing from the Roman Empire.

In order to conquer the World
one must be able to laugh, sing.
