They will miss...
They'll miss this panoramic view.
Schatzi, I don't care about
changing my address.
Love is the same everywhere.
Thank Heavens.
I don't have to change my profession,
I don't have to find someone else.
After it's all over, he'll send me to a villa.
I'm such a mess!
What's the matter? Are you crying?
Yes, and I don't know why.
I don't know. I swear I don't know why,
stupid girl I am.
For Heaven's sake, girls, relax!
We are not in the army.
Frankie, bring something to drink.
Something strong. It's freezing in here.
Good girls, very good!
They can certainly listen very well,
Wallenberg, but that's not enough.
They come off as amateurs.
Look at this one.