The sex there is clean!
Now I understand everything!
They changed the nightclub -
they changed the girls.
They were hoping they could
change Kitty as well.
I will kill that Wallenberg!
I'll destroy him,
I'll squash him like a worm!
I'll go to Hitler!
It really matters to me!
Calm down, Kitty. Calm down.
I thought that you were on their side.
Am I so stupid. How could I have
ever thought the same about you.
Forgive me. But...
Kitty, how did Wallenberg know
every word I said in that room?
We were by ourselves.
How did he know about his feelings...
...his decision to switch sides?
They hung him for that reason.
It was you who hung him on that hook.
No, not Hans.
I didn't write a single word in my report
about what Hans said to me.
At first I didn't want to admit I loved him.
But now I know I do.
I understand what he meant by saying:
"I'm tired of slaughtering human beings."
He was sure that I'd come to
understand that, too.