Want to bet he's in there?
Only Jews who need money bet.
l need money.
But you're not a Jew.
l must ask you to leave.
l have to go, myself.
Go, if you must!
l'm staying till l get my advance.
You've already had an advance of...
32,500 marks.
-You said it.
-What does that mean?
But you haven't delivered a single line.
That's none of your damn business!
Mr. Kranz, l must ask you
to moderate your language!
Has that awful guy Kranz gone?
There! You see!
You gangsters!
Bloodsuckers! Parasites!
l want my money!
Throw that nutcase out!
He should deliver the goods first.
You hear? He doesn't want to see you.
Thanks. l got the message.
Come up with something first.
Potato heads!
The lot of you!
He's gone.
Gangsters! Swine! Bloodsuckers!
You think you can push us around,
but just you wait!
When you've been eaten by the worms,
my name will still shine.