Ernst gave the lady a fly.
He must like you.
-He's never given me one.
-Sorry to hear it.
Eat! l didn't spit in the food.
-Does she sometimes?
-Now and then, but she means well.
-Crime squad.
-We're not buying any.... Police?
-May l come in?
A woman friend of your husband
has been murdered.
-Mrs. von Witzleben.
-Oh, how nice! l must tell him at once.
There's a nice man from the police.
Don't get up!
A mistress of my husband
has been murdered.
Fancy that! Which one?
Mrs. von Witzleben.
How tragic!
Ernst, Aunt lrmgard's been murdered.
Shoot flies.
How do you know she was shot?
Ernst has the clairvoyance
of the early saints.
Take a seat! The water's just right.
l won't say no to a morning footbath.
Who murdered her?
We don't know yet, but we have some clues.
-ls that so?
-Oh, yes.
Could l have some of
the eggs and ham, too?
lt looks delicious.
Didn't you hear?
ls your wife offended?
No, no. That's just her way.
Oh, yes. Ask Miss von Meyerbeer!
-Yes, she's always like that.
-Does she belong to the family?
Yes, to the family.
Can you imagine who could have
murdered Mrs. von Witzleben?
l'm afraid not. No one, apart from me.
But it wasn't you, of course?
How can you ask?
l'm a poet.
Ah yes, l almost forgot.
-You know when he last slept with me?
17 days ago!
l had other commitments.
-With Mrs. von Witzleben?
-Among others.
l know my rights.
He has to sleep with me, by law.
-Yes, l think he has to.
-What, right now?
Maybe you could wait a moment.
l don't want to be unreasonable.