He enjoys it.
Did you hear, Luise?
-He enjoys being beaten.
-He's your brother.
But it's revolting!
You've no right to laugh at my husband!
Sorry, l forgot to think.
Pay her her fee!
And don't forget the receipt!
150 Marks?
Some men give me 20 for the taxi.
You come to us with the subway.
Here, DM 152.50.
Did you enjoy it?
Not really my thing.
He finishes too quickly, don't you think?
Yes, l agree.
-But it's better than nothing.
-Good day to you!
The same to you!
Fuck flies.
Ernst, Luise, come here!
l've written something new
for the first time in two years. Listen!
''And sometimes seamen
catch for pleasure...
''the albatross, the great bird of the sea...
''that follows freely at its leisure...
''ships that through rocky straits
must pass.''
-lsn't that brilliant?
-Yes, yes.
Then proclaim your enthusiasm!
Out with it!
My God...
how primitive!
How primitive you all are!
The revolutionary situation
no longer exists, mother.
Typical of youth!
Nothing but a flash in the pan!
A revolutionary situation exists
as long as people are oppressed...
and exploited by others.
But mother, that's got whiskers on it!
Yes, Karl Marx's whiskers.