l guess so.
His poems are...
very, very beautiful.
He's the greatest German poet.
You think so?
Maybe you're right.
But didn't he cause....
Didn't Stefan George cause
a lot of hullabaloo?
That wasn't a hullabaloo!
l'm sorry, but....
Doesn't matter.
How could you know?
But what you call ''hullabaloo''
is really something very serious...
something very true.
Stefan George wanted his poems
to be presented in a certain ambiance...
not torn from their proper context.
His language...
is the most limpid German ever written...
comparable only with that of Nietzsche.
Pure, true art.
An art that needs the right setting.
lt's not something one can feel
in a tram or in the bathroom.
ln the bathroom?
lt requires an inner receptiveness in people.
One must be in a state of empathy with it.
One has to glow for this language.
And few people can
open their hearts to something great.
That's why George cultivated
a certain circle of people...
and read his poems only in this circle.
He didn't want their purity sullied.
How you enthuse!
How beautiful you are
when you enthuse about something.
Do you think l'm like him?
You have the strength to be what you want.
l have the strength to be Stefan George.
Luise! Luise!
This is Aunt Andrée, Ernst.
Say hello and shake hands!