How brutal you are!
Every genius needs a creative rest.
You silly goose!
You can't insult me.
l'll let him have my modest savings.
l need a suit in the style of the belle époque.
And quickly!
l expect you at my place at....
No! Not that!
Don't hit her!
Never hit a woman!
Sorry, interference in the line.
My name is Kranz...
Kaulbachstrasse 89.
l expect you in a few minutes.
You and l, we both know...
you have to be punished.
lnto the cellar with you!
The key's next to the door,
the one with the wards.
Kneel on the coal and contemplate!
''Our Father which art in heaven...
''hallowed be Thy name.
''Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
''Give us this day our daily bread...
''and forgive us our trespasses...
''as we forgive them
who trespass against us.''
Ernst, your new aunt....
Flies die, good!
That's right, my boy!
Death is the finest thing about life.
Remember that!
Take an example from Ernst!
True genius lies in madness.
-Don't sully me!