You met my buddy Blake.
He's having a good time.
Come on, now. Take it easy.
If I told you once,
I told you a thousand times...
it ain't right.
It just ain't right!
Goddamn it.
Goddamn it!
Excuse me.
How's it going?
It's gonna be all right.
Let me see. Come here.
You got hit.
Who are you?
Joe Santo.
I'm sorry.
I just came in here--
Hey, were you
really curling champion?
That thing with the ice
and the brooms?
Yep. Why don't you wash off?
I'm sure you'll be all right.
We'll wait for you outside, OK?
All right. Good.
Sorry I wasn't here to help.
Hey, Blake, is this house
for sale or what?
No, not exactly.
It's my parents' house.
They on vacation?
No. They're dead.
Then it's yours.
No, it's theirs.
If they're dead,
it's got to be yours.
Shut up, you asshole.
Do you know that you have
the most gorgeous collection...
of cut glass out there?
That's my grandmother
you're looking at there.
That was her favorite chair.
Look, Mary...
that whole thing
ought to be in a museum.
Hey, Craig!
Been looking for you. Lunch.