Stay Hungry

Hey. He's been drinking.
Blake, now...
Santo's got bicep femoris
to think about.

Now, by God,
you better not bother him.

Make the thighs burn.
You can't grow without burning.
It's the repetition
that defines the muscle.

Do it faster.
Get the blood into the legs.

Come on. Just keep
the tension on the pecs.

Yes. Isn't it much harder?
I think we had something
like this at school.

I'm not sure
I still got the form down here.

Tell me if I'm doing this right.
Is that it?

I never do that one.
what is this Batman routine
of yours?

Is that for concentration
or what?

Not really.
I think it's funny.

It adds a little humor
to the workouts.

You should have seen me
last year.

I wore a frogman outfit.
Everybody was laughing.
Just keep
right on talking, Santo.

they don't judge lip muscles.

They judge thighs,
they judge legs...

they judge backs, but no lips.
I can't wait until
this whole thing is over, man.

Be sure and turn them lights off
before you leave.

Say, what is there,
one Mr. Something after another?

How about galaxy?
Is there a Mr. Galaxy?

Listen, I don't care about
these titles.

But if I win this one,
I could make enough money...

to pay Thor back
all the debts I owe him.

What kind of debts?
He's the one who brought me
over here from Austria.

He got me a working permit...
