They were on their way
to North Carolina...
in my father's plane.
Pilot flew into a mountain
in the fog.
I was camped up
on Pyramid Peak...
at the time in the Rockies.
They were dead for two weeks...
before my uncle
finally located me.
And then I moved in here
in November.
How come you need
such a big place?
Well, I don't.
It's... it's just that...
it's been in the family
for so long...
And you don't know what
to do with it, do you?
William, I'm sorry.
It was a mistake.
Everything's fine.
The biscuits still warm, sir?
Everything's fine.
Listen, he's working on it.
Now, that much I know.
But he hasn't
actually bought it yet, huh?
I don't know. I haven't seen him
in a couple of days.
He might've been out of town.
It's been ten days, see...
and we got this architect
over in Atlanta...
keeps billing us...
just like he don't know
who Craig Blake is.
Now, all of us know...
Ol' Craig is slicker
than snot on a doorknob.
But if he's having any trouble
with that dude...
you tell him.
If that's what the problem is...
we could help out some way.
Yeah, I'll tell him.
You do that, Hal.
Deal up there, Walter Jr.
Five-card stud.
Same as what we were playing.
I was winning.
I'm anted up.
My red's right there.
Give me a good hand,
will you, Walt Jr.?
I'm tired of losing.
You didn't eat
your fortune cookie.
I never read
my fortune cookies.