William. Get up.
What are you doing?
I'm quitting,
that's what I'm doing.
You aren't serious, are you?
Yes, sir, I'm serious.
And I'd like
to tell you something.
Your grandmama...
your grandmama,
bless her soul...
if she could see what
you're doing down here...
in her living room
where she entertained...
ladies and gentlemen...
she'd come out of
that picture on the wall...
and drive a butcher knife
through your heart...
and I would help her!
What's the matter with him?
You been with us for 52 years.
Yes, sir.
Fifty-two long, good years.
But no more.
Come on, Willie.
And I'm taking everything
that belongs to me.
Your grandmama left me
a lot of stuff in her will.
She left me this here, too.
Don't worry, honey.
I'll be back to get you...
and I'm gonna take
your poor blind eyes outta here.
You hear? I'll be back.
Dear Craig...
your Uncle Henry has been...
the Blake family's
most notable black sheep.
You seem to be coming up
fast on the outside.