We're having difficulty
tracing him, Herr Oberst.
He's in Germany,
but as to exactly where,
we've hit a roadblock, you know?
Even rumours of a court martial,
but we'll find him.
I'm sure.
And now...
Here...a possible
undercover operative.
I have decided on this man.
He's lecturing here in Berlin.
Send for him immediately.
- Yes.
- Oh, and Karl.
Send this message to Starling.
Yes, Herr Oberst.
- Where is Herr Oberst?
- In the map room, Herr Admiral.
This message has been sent out.
Did you originate it?
I did, Herr Admiral.
"Very interested
in your visitor of 6th November.
"Would like to drop
some friends in to persuade him
"to come back with them.
"Your comments expected as usual
with all relevant information."
You have exceeded
your authority, Radl.
You were told to prepare
this feasibility study,
not embellish a joke.
With your permission,
it is no longer a joke.
It could be done.
In my opinion,
it should be done.
(Canaris) What if
Churchill prefers to die?
What if abduction
becomes assassination?
No one specified dead or alive.
God in heaven!
Kill Churchill
when we've already lost the war?
I'm sure you've done
a very thorough job.
But this operation could make
the Charge of the Light Brigade
look like
a sensible military exercise.
Drop it.
(Door slams)