Of all the world's leaders,
Churchill is probably
the least protected,
unlike the Führer.
Steiner, is thumbing
your nose at the Führer
more important to you
than the lives of your men?
31 of you a few weeks ago.
How many are left?
You owe them
this last chance to live.
Or to die in England instead.
I will put it to my men.
They are entitled to know.
Only the destination,
revealing the target
would be going too far.
I will put it to my men.
It may not win the war,
but it would make them think
about negotiated peace. Hmm?
A negotiated peace?
I will put that to my men also.
God bless all here.
Give us a glass
of your strongest, will you?
So that's how the Gestapo dress
in Berlin these days?
- Gestapo?
- Drink?
I haven't sucked
my thumb in years.