You are going to jump
in those clothes?
I might look a little bit silly
going down, Mr Steiner,
but I'll be a lot safer
when I land on the ground.
There's an old poem which,
translated from the Irish, says:
"I realised fear one morning
"To the blare
of the fox hunters' sound
"When they're all chasing after
The poor bloody fox
"It's safer
To dress like the hound"
You're quite literary.
If the truth be known, Colonel,
I'm a bloody literary genius.
- Your complete instructions.
- Right.
All of it - everything?
No cyanide pill?
I couldn't conceive of a
situation where you'd take one.
(Dog barks)
It's a little trick I learnt
from my uncle in Belfast.
In the Middle Ages they would
have burned you for that.
Goodbye, Mr Devlin.
I will see you in England.
I'll be there.
(Plane engine revs up)
- How do I jump out?
- Release your safety belt.
I turn the aircraft upside-down,
you drop out.
Has it occurred to you that the
signature on your authorisation
could just be a forgery?
Why not fly to Berchtesgaden
and ask him yourself?
Let's not bother the man.