Max, it is not a subject
for negotiation.
- In that case, agreed.
- Thank you.
Hello, Liam.
My compliments on the dress.
It's a great improvement.
Why pick on me?
Because you're lovely,
you could never love me.
But I might...just for spite.
It wouldn't matter -
I won't fall in love with you.
I'm bad for you,
we've no future.
I'm not telling you that
to make you want me more.
It's the truth.
I'm here - your turn to leave.
(Sighs) Oh, God.
(Bell chimes)
Arthur, did I ever tell you
about my uncle in Belfast?
Of course I didn't.
He was a bare-knuckle boxer.
I'm just telling him
about the Holy Trinity.
You know it?