(Wolf whistle)
What've you been doing
in that uniform, Captain?
You didn't get three rockers
by asking stupid questions (!)
What is it now?
The new outfit arriving?
No, sir. He wants to see you.
Eight years.
Eight years in the National
Guard every other weekend.
Two weeks a year, up to
my ass in Louisiana swamps!
I can feel those mosquitoes now!
But I got my rank.
You were at Benning
when I got my command.
Best goddamn outfit
a man could hope to have.
Eleven weeks' training
for this mission.
The rest of the outfit's
coming in to hit the beach.
My last chance to see action
before the war's over,
and now this!
- You won't be leading us in?
- Here, read that!
Top line -
Pitts, Clarence E. 016838621.
Post re-assignment -
Fort Benning, Georgia.
Air Transportation,
priority two.
They're not even hurrying
to get me home.
Gosh, isn't there anything
you can do, Colonel?
Do? Look at those signatures!
Not one of those men has ever
had a combat command - not one!
- What are you doing here?
- Sir.
You know how hot it is
in Fort Benning, Georgia?
Not here on the finish -
wait till my daddy hears this!
(Orders in Polish)