Joanna! Joanna!
I'm coming, I'm coming!
Oh, Joanna...
Calm down
and tell me what's happened.
Colonel Miller...and his men...
they're not Polish,
they're Germans.
They plan to kidnap Churchill.
They've got the villagers
in the church.
We must get the Rangers
from Meltham House.
Does anybody else know?
I'll get my car keys.
What kept you?
I killed Arthur.
If they find him,
they'll think it was me.
Did you tell anybody?
He said you were a traitor,
are you?
I never betrayed anything
I believed in.
Your Germans have locked
everyone up in the church.
They plan to kill Churchill.
You're a bloody traitor!
You don't stand a chance -
Pamela's gone for the Rangers.
Don't try and run.
That'd be the sensible
thing to do, wouldn't it?
Don't you know me
better than that?
You think I could
leave them in the lurch?
I wrote you a letter,
it's not much,
but here it is,
for what it's worth.