the last shall be first...
You bastard!
Let me go!
I've got
to get you out of here.
Pamela's all right.
She's in the hospital.
- Father!
- Yes.
- Goodbye, Captain Clark.
- Colonel.
There's no such thing as
death with honour, just death.
I have no intention
of dying now,
but if I'm going to,
allow me to choose where and how.
And what do you think
you are doing?
Getting the keys to his car.
How did you get in here?
There's a tunnel.
It's an ancient escape route
they built under the graveyard,
past the manor house
and up to the vicarage.
The car is parked
at the end of it.
Mr Devlin,
you are an extraordinary man.
Colonel Steiner,
you are an extraordinary
judge of character.
There is a way out, now.
It is still possible
for us to capture Churchill.
Not us, Herr Oberst. You.