I love you.
That doesn't mean
I like what you've done,
or what I've done,
or even understand it.
I only know I couldn't
have lived with myself
if I'd let you die.
Did you read my letter?
Well done, Captain.
My congratulations.
We didn't get everybody, sir.
There's three survivors.
There's Steiner, the Colonel.
Devlin, the Irishman,
and one German officer
who was badly wounded.
With permission,
I'll go pick 'em up.
I can't stay for long,
Herr Oberst. The tide.
- Get on board, Mr Devlin.
- I'm not leavin'.
- Pardon?
- I'm staying here.
Take Herr Hauptmann aboard.
Herr Hauptmann.
- I will not leave without you.
- Get on board, Hans.
I will NOT do it.
I'm coming with you.