(Muffled radio transmission)
(Clark on radio)
'Delta Two, come in.'
'Beck. We checked
the beach road and saw nothing.'
(Clark) 'Run it again
and check for turn-offs.'
(Beck) 'Understood.'
(Clark) 'Come in, Wilson.'
(Wilson) 'Still working the dogs
west through the woods -
'results negative.'
(Clark) 'Work back towards
coordinates five and four.'
(Wilson) 'Plug out.'
(Clark) 'Frazier,
this is Delta Two.'
Frazier here, sir.
Still at intersection A-4.
Negative on anything.
(Clark) 'OK, Frazier.
Round-up from Delta Two.
'The convoy is being moved
to original destination.'
'Stay off the air
until I call from there.'
Frazier out.
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
(Radio crackles)
'Come in, Frazier.'
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
'Frazier, this is Delta Two.'
move your position, Frazier.'
'Cover the mouth
of Estuary One.'
Will do.
(Clark) 'Delta Two out.'