That is one George Fowler
lying there.
He was a variety artiste...
of a sort.
And a very brave man.
Incredible. He knew
this sort of thing could happen.
He didn't even call out.
Played it straight
through to the end.
Where is Mr Churchill?
I suppose it doesn't matter -
you'll read about it
in the papers tomorrow.
At the moment he's in Persia,
in conference with President
Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin.
Teheran, Captain,
that's where the reality is.
This never happened.
It did not occur, Major.
(Corcoran) Right.
(Devlin) 'Molly, my love,
as a great man once said...
'"I have suffered a sea-change
'"and nothing
can ever be the same again."
'I came here to do a job...
not to fall in love.
'By now,
you'll know the worst of me.
'Try not to think it.
'To leave you
is punishment enough.
'But it will not end here.
'For as they say in Ireland -
'"We have known the days."