To personnel?
That's for assholes.
I was in personnel
for ten years.
That's it!
Report tomorrow to the oral
examining board, 9:00!
you haven't got the picture.
I'm the robber,
you're the cop.
I'm in a market.
You've just caught me.
A 211 in the act.
I'm coming out with a hostage:
A kid with a gun at his head.
There's no way to take me alive.
You have ten seconds to decide.
What do you do?
-...two, three...
-You're under arrest.
-...four, five...
-Do something!
...six, seven.
Don't just stand there,
goddamn it, do something!
you're dead.
-You're late, Callahan.
-Hello, Krause.
Okay, Bustanoby,
you'll be given your grade.
You were told 9:00.
We have 50 officers to test.
-For how many vacancies?
Five men and three women
promoted to inspector in this group.
-Three women?
-Do you object, inspector?
Now who might you be?
Ms. Grey,
from the mayor's staff.
She's to monitor the exams.
-This is Inspector Callahan.
-Yes, I know something of him.
And I'd like to tell you...
...the mayor's plan is to bring
this department into...
...the mainstream of
twentieth-century thought.
How does he figure to do that?
For one thing...
His Honor intends to...
...broaden participation
for women in the police force.