besides cruelty to animals.
That's a conspiracy,
title 7-182-1 ...
of the California penal code.
Conspiracy to commit
a misdemeanor...
-...is a felony, and according to...
-Yes. Good answer.
Officer Moore,
you'll be given your grade.
After I get the guard's keys...
...we drive to the end,
warehouse 50-A. Lalo?
All right,
now, that's...
...I drop you off at the small door
and go around...
...to the wharf side.
You open up the first big door.
I drive in and back up to
the compound on the right.
Karl and Tex?
Man, we grab
the M-16 automatic rifles.
Locate and take any explosives.
Dynamite, detonators,
and plastics.
Henry Lee?
I tote and load the ammo
for the M-16s, okay, man?
Locate the L.A.W. rockets.
They'll be in the back.
It's the most important item.
You sure of the location?
I sweated there for five years!
They're there,
I promise!
All right,
you guys.
-This is for the people!
-Right on, for the people.
spare me.