The Last Tycoon

lt kills the surprise.
Make it shorter.

Okay, Monroe.
What else?
You wanted to see the beach
scene from Dark Moonlight.

Okay, Jack.
No, no, don't go to him at all,
stay on her.

You don't need him. Stay on her
all the way down
to the edge of the sea.

She's the one
we're interested in.

Remember that scene
from Reaching for the Moon,

when Bebe Daniels ran out of
the house, down to the lake?

This is where we shot it.
No, of course
you wouldn't remember,

you're too young.
l've been here
since the silent days.

l knew them all.
Did you know the Keystone Kops?
All of them!
What a bunch of guys.
This was Minna Davis'
dressing room.

She was taken ill
for the last time...

in this room.
That's her.
She was beautiful.
She was a great friend of mine.
l remember we had
to call her husband.

l called him myself.
l remember that call well.
l said, "Mr. Stahr...
l'm afraid your wife
has been taken ill."

He said, "l'll be right over."
And this is where
it all happened.

This is where Mr. Stahr was
when l called him.
