l was just saying
they'll never get
the writers unionized.
You know why?
Because they hate
each other's guts.
They'd sell each other out
for a nickel.
This man from New York
seems pretty set on doing it...
the one who's coming out
to see me.
What's his name?
Communist, yeah.
You mean a real Communist?
Yeah, sure, a real one.
l mean,
some of these guys
are just jokers
that call themselves Communists.
And mostly they are fairies,
There are other aspects,
of course.
l'll find out next week.
Better find out.
The last thing we need
is a writers' strike.
We got 16 pictures
going into production.
l'll handle him.
Monroe can handle him.
Monroe can handle anybody.
Anyway, mostly they are fairies.
There are other aspects,
of course.
Monroe, tell me, what do
you think of the idea
to make Manon with
a happy ending, huh?
lt's been making money
without a happy ending
for a century and a half.
What about
the South American picture?
We're going ahead with that.
With the same budget?
lt's out of proportion.
With that budget,
we have no chance.
What do you think, Mr. Marcus?
Monroe is our
production genius.
l count upon him
and lean heavily
upon him.
The balance sheet last year
showed a $27 million profit.
lt's all due to him.