Well, l'm glad
you came out here.
l wanted to talk to you.
You've got my writers
all upset.
Keeps them from going to sleep,
doesn't it?
l want them awake,
but l don't want them crazy.
...we're simply concerned
that they have
the proper protection.
That's all.
Who from, me?
You're a very good employer,
Mr. Stahr, but, uh...
we still think that the position
can be...
l'll tell you three things:
all writers are children;
50% are drunks;
and up till very recently,
writers in Hollywood
were gag men.
Most of them still are gag men,
but we call them writers.
But, uh... they're still
the farmers in this business.
They grow the grain,
but they're not in at the feast.
lt looks to me like
a try for power, Mr. Brimmer,
and l will not give them power.
l'll give them money;
l won't give them power.
Anyway, they're not equipped
for authority.
More coffee, Mr. Brimmer?
No, thank you.
l don't get to meet
Reds very often.
Are you a real Red?
A real one.
Please do.
Well, l guess some of you
believe in it.
Quite a few.
Not you.
Oh, yes.
Oh, no.