Wouldn't they have liked that
photograph back in New York?
Same again.
Yes, sir.
Two of us happy and smiling?
Why, they'd have been
tickled pink.
Three of us happy and smiling.
Oh, of course, with the
beautiful boss's daughter.
Well, they'd have liked her.
Did l say
"the beautiful boss's daughter"?
l meant "the boss's
beautiful daughter."
lsn't Mr. Brady your boss?
No, he's not my boss.
And he's not beautiful either.
What's not beautiful about him?
Same again.
l like writers.
l understand writers.
Sure you do.
l mean, l...
l don't think that...
l have more brains
than a writer,
l just think that
his brains belong to me.
l know how to use them.
Well, you know yourself
very well, Mr. Stahr.
Here you are, sir.
Thank you.
Now l know you've been
disappointed in love.
That's your fourth scotch.
Oh, come on,
don't be silly, l never drink.
l know you don't,
but that's your fourth scotch.
Well, l haven't tasted
any of them.
Well, this is the first drink
l had in a week.
Did my drinking
in the navy.
You hear that?