The Man Who Fell to Earth

Oh, I'm just visiting.
Oh, a traveler!
Could you help me up, please?
You know, mister,
I don't think you get enough to eat.

If you don't mind
my saying so...

I think you're too thin.
You're very thin.
You're too thin!
Do you come from a city?
No, I come from the country.
I wish I lived in the country.
You know, this is
a very unhealthy place.

Water here is all polluted.
They put all kinds of chemicals in it
to keep people from gettin' sick.

It's a very unhealthy place.
I think it just takes
getting used to. That's all.

It sure does.
- Anyway, I —
- I wonder—

I wonder if you'd mind,
Mary-Lou, if I rested now.

Lord, no.
I was just leaving anyway.
I'll come back and see you tomorrow,
if you want me.

I'd like to see you tomorrow.
Perhaps you could arrange
to bring me a television.

TV? Nothin' easier.
Well, I'll be seeing you then, Mr. —
- Sussex.
- Sussex.

I don't know why, but I'll never
be able to remember that name.

Good night.
Good night.
