Thank you, Mary-Lou.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
#Just say you love me
like you used to #
- #And make the worid go away #
They always seem to lead such interesting lives...
- people who travel.
- #Make the worid go away #
People who write stories
must lead kind of interesting lives too.
- # Get it off my shoulder #
- I know I'll never be like a character in a story.
I'll just be like
everybody else.
Well, maybe, maybe, maybe.
I don't know.
- Maybe someday.
- #And make the worid go away ##
There are now
six subsidiaries under the holding company.
I don't know how accurate you want
the account figures, but they change hourly.
Yes, we receive bank statements
on each company twice a day.
I want the total figure
by tomorrow.
Give it to me to the nearest
$50 million.
And the utility dropped very slightly.
The volume, 11,850,000 shares.
The average issues up
The more secretive you are
about your life...
the more it arouses
people's interest.
We've had some chemistry professor
from Chicago...
who's been calling and writing.
That's not so terrible, Mr. Farnsworth.
- Why don't you talk to him? Don't be unfriendly.
- Mary-Lou.
- 686 issues up. 568 down.
My life is not secret, Mr. Farnsworth,
but it is private.
Among the most actives today is Worid Enterprises.
Up five points on the day,
trading over 300,000 shares.
Wall Street analysts
and company officials report...
they know of no reason
for the sudden interest
For a whole year
I concentrated equally on two things:
Fucking and Worid Enterprises.
It was neck and neck.
Well, I have to admit that l
It began to look like Canutti was right
because Worid Enterprises...
was evasive and slow to reply
to my persistent letters and calls and