And this, as you know,
is the German front line.
Now we're going to lay a carpet,
as it were, of airborne troops...
over which 30th Corps can pass.
We shall seize the bridges--
it's all a question of bridges--
with thunderclap surprise...
and hold them until
they can be secured.
Now first of all,
General Maxwell Taylor...
You take and hold
the bridges there with 101st.
General Gavin,
with your 82nd...
you get Nijmegen.
You take and hold the bridges.
And Roy, you get the prize:
Arnhem Bridge.
- And you hold it.
- For how long?
Monty assures me that 30 Corps...
will do the 63 miles
in two days.
Sixty-three miles in two days.
- They oughta be able to handle that.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
General Sosabowski, you go with
your Polish Brigade with Roy Urquhart.
I'm so sorry.
when you've secured
your bridge...
and 30th Corps have got across it,
we can turn east...
right into the industrial heart
of Germany-- the Ruhr.
Once we control their factories,
there's not much they can do about it.
And that is the plan.
And we go next Sunday.
Seven days?
Why not?
The sooner we go, the better.
We've got them on the run.
Is something troubling you,
General Sosabowski?
- I've said nothing.
- Precisely.
Your silences are thunderous.
General Browning, l--
I am a Pole...