if they weren't serviceable,
why would they try to conceal them?
Normal routine, Fuller.
But, sir, we keep getting reports
from the Dutch Underground.
I've read them!
And so has Field Marshal Montgomery.
Now look here.
There have been thousands of photographs
from this sortie and from the others.
- How many of them have shown tanks?
- Just these, sir.
And you seriously consider
asking us to cancel...
the biggest operation
mounted since D-Day...
because of three photographs?
No, sir.
Sixteen consecutive drops have been
cancelled in the last few months...
for one reason or another.
But this time
the party's on...
and no one is going
to call it off.
Is that fully understood?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Waddy.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Do sit down, gentlemen.
Please sit down.
Look after these.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Gentlemen, this is a story
that you will tell your grandchildren...
and mightily bored they'll be.
The plan is called
Operation Market Garden.
Market is the airborne element,
and Garden the ground forces--
That's us.