Take anything that'll move...
every man that can walk,
and hold the bridge.
No. Field Marshal Model.
Nothing must cross it.
Is that clear?
You must hold that bridge
under any circumstances.
- Understood?
- Clear.
Ryan and Ross,
come with me.
Cover the right flank.
How far away is headquarters?
Half a mile.
Maybe more.
Brigadier Lathbury's
just left, sir.
Johnny Frost and the 2nd Battalion
are on the river road.
Thank you, Baker. Any news of
Freddie Gough's jeep squadron?
- It's unconfirmed--
- It's rather bad luck, sir.
Considering how few gliders
we lost on the way in.
It appears that a lot of
the special jeeps failed to arrive...
and those that did have been
badly shot up in an ambush.
So no one's going to get
to Arnhem Bridge except on foot.
They must be from the lunatic asylum,
located on the far side of the wood.
They escaped when
it was bombed this morning.
Do you think they know
something we don't?