A Bridge Too Far

They're certainly at the back.
What's it like at the front?

We're surrounded.
Yes. Quite.
I was rather expecting to see you
again, General Sosabowski.

Do please sit down.
The Polish drop has been cancelled
again. I would like an explanation.

Well, I expect the fog has
a certain amount to do with it.

I'm told there are aircraft flying
50 miles to the south.

Explain to me why my men and equipment
cannot be moved from here to there...

and then fly to Arnhem.
That's a very reasonable question.
I don't want to bother you with
a lot of meteorological mumbo jumbo...

but the fact is, you see,
whether we like it or not...

fog-- it moves.
Of course it moves. Where?
That's very difficult
to say, General.

It's very slippery stuff, fog.
You think you've got it,
then it reverses itself...

and leaves you behind.
Won't you please sit down?
What I'm trying to say, General...
is even if we move your troops
the 50 miles--

I grant you,
now the sun is shining--

the chances are that
by the time we get there...

the fog could quite easily
have preceded us.

- So we simply have to wait.
- And do nothing.

I think that puts it rather well.
