- Any news of the boats?
- No. We're switching--
- You want some?
- No, thank you.
We're switching the start to 9:00
just to make sure.
You start laying smoke
just before we go.
They're going to get creamed
from the far embankment.
Your smoke screen's gonna be
their only protection.
Don't worry.
We'll cover you.
Okay, can I have
your attention, please?
I'm pleased to inform you that our 9:00
departure has been postponed till 10:00.
So you can all have
an extra hour's fun and relaxation.
- Major?
- Yes.
We got any more information
on those boats?
We're reliably informed that they float.
Outside of that, we don't know squat.
Not how many, not how heavy,
not how big.
We are sure that the river is wide
and that the current is strong.
As any more cheery information comes
my way, I'll be happy to pass it along.
In the meantime, just think of this
as on-the-job training.
What's the matter?
No sense of humor?
Goddamn it!
We go at noon.
Come on. Clear those roads!