This part is so touching. Listen.
"If at the end of six weeks
we have not made a real contribution...
...we shall have to withdraw
and offer our services...
...to a state or federal institution."
You write a hell of a letter.
Isn't it thrilling?
We try so hard to get people
to donate two hours a day...
...a week, a weekend, anything.
Then two successful men
of your money and stature...
...come along and decide
to devote eight hours a day...
...five days a week?
There's so much to do.
-I'm dying to show you the center.
-I'm dying too.
-He means he can't wait.
-Don't worry.
It'll work. If you're that interested,
we will make it work.
We won't let you give your services
to some state or federal institution.
The state's loss is our gain.
That's the way we feel about it too.
State's loss.
That's sweet.
-Mr. Anderson?
-Yes, sir.
-Telephone call for you, sir.
-Thank you.
-Madame, would you like a cocktail?
-A dry sherry, please.
-Now you understand.
I just heard your proposal.
You wanna work for the
community center or the penitentiary?
-You're crazy. You're nuts.
-"You're nuts if you think I'm kidding."
It's the best deal you ever had.
Five years there or 15 in Joliet.
Think about it.
You got five seconds. Four. Three.
Two. One. Deal?
-Give me Durrell.
Your partner.
-I want to know your decision.
I can't give it to you right now.
-I would like to discuss it.
-With who, Bruno? Deal?