The tragedy is, the school system
has done a rotten job.
It hasn't taught the children,
especially ghetto children...
...how to think through a problem,
how to figure out what the problem is...
...and how to pick
the right tools to solve it.
Because life is a series of problems.
But I think the street is
teaching them how to solve problems.
I mean, not about a job, maybe,
but about hustling to survive, you know.
Well, myself, I know about that.
But these kids don't know jobs or hustling.
That's why they're here.
Anyway, street hustling is not an action.
It's a reaction.
It's accepting second-class status.
Still, the whole question
of finding jobs for them gets to me.
They should have been gotten to,
given the proper direction...
...when they were 3, 4, 5.
And here they are at 17, 18...
...and here we are,
with a few thousand dollars...
...trying to clean up
the damage, the mess...
...the schools have spent millions to make.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe it is too little too late.
But then, there must be some other....
A different kind of approach.
Mr. Durrell, they need so much.
Now, I'm a woman.
I mean, I'm not a very strong woman...
...and you're a man,
and you're black and successful.
Well, you could....
Whatever you could come up with...
...try. Try, please.
Sarah, you're good people.
All right.