Hi, Dave. Come on in.
You know a cat named
Joshua Burke?
Detective Joshua Burke,
just retired from the force.
His wife, Martha Burke,
died about three years ago.
Now, here's the bombshell.
Martha Burke was coordinator of the center.
-Our center?
-Yes, our center.
She started it. Her baby, her pet.
Now, four years ago, she took sick.
The woman who took over her job
was the woman she had trained.
Lila. Lila French.
Yes. I think Joshua Burke
is our man.
Let's check him out.
I took down his number.
Hello? Hello, who is this? Hello?
-Got him!
-Got him!
Now, I want him picked apart
from the day he was born.
We will find out something,
anything that will get him off of us.
I want him by the short hairs.
Give me a couple of days and you've
got him on a platter, short hairs and all.
Could you tell me where I could
find Miss French?
Right in there, miss.
City funded, yes, but the advantage is that
our kids are prescreened in the program.
Someone to see you, Miss French,
a Mrs. Quitman?
Yes, so they're already familiar
with your employee requirements.
And they want to work.
I'm Bea Quitman. I'm looking for
a Manuel Durrell. He's an old friend.