Now, I wanna walk out of here
owing you nothing. Equal.
So why don't you count the money.
-I wanna talk a deal.
You believe that?
He wants to talk a deal.
Durrell, only deal you're gonna talk...
...is what kind of box
you want to be buried in.
Don't talk to me about deals, boy.
Get him out of here.
You know what to do.
That's gonna be
the death of you, Bruno.
That money? You don't understand.
This is nothing.
It's two-thirds of nothing!
It's pride.
You don't understand that, smart boy.
You shouldn't get in places
where you are a lightweight.
Smart. Smart?!
You're stupid!
You think this is big money?
This is nothing! This is crap!
This is....
What is this?
That's a copy of your ownership
of Coryell Management Limited.
The Internal Revenue Service might be
interested in your imports and exports.
That might be the details
of your cigarette business.
That's a federal offense.
Interstate hijacking.
The stamps on the packs
are federal stamps.
Where did you get this?
From where you kept them,
in a safe at St. Ambrose Monastery.
That was good thinking.
Those nice monks don't know nothing.
Give them a contribution, and they let you
store things where the cops can't come in.
Nice thinking.
Check that one out.