And those who couldn't do anything,
l think, were assigned to our school.
l must say, l always thought
my schoolmates were idiots.
Melvyn Greenglass
and his fat little face.
And Henrietta Farrell,
Miss Perfect all the time.
And lvan Ackerman,
always the wrong answer. Always!
Seven and three is nine.
Even then l knew
they were just jerks.
ln 1942 l had already discovered women.
He kissed me!
That's the second time this month!
Step up here.
- What did l do?
- Step up here.
- What did l do?
- You should be ashamed of yourself.
Why? l was just expressing
a healthy sexual curiosity.
Six-year-old boys
don't have girls on their minds.
l did.
For God sakes, Alvy, even Freud
speaks of a latency period!
l never had a latency period.
l can't help it.
Why couldn't you
have been more like Donald?
There was a model boy.
Tell the folks
where you are today, Donald.
l run a profitable dress company.
Sometimes l wonder where
my classmates are today.
l'm president
of the Pinkus Plumbing Company.
l sell talliths.
l used to be a heroin addict,
now l'm a methadone addict.
l'm into leather.
l lost track of most of my old
schoolmates, but l wound up a comedian.
They did not take me in the army.
l was 4-P.
ln the event of war,
l'm a hostage.
You always only saw the worst
in people.
You never could get along
with anyone in school.
You were always out of step
with the world.
Even when you got famous,
you still distrusted the world.
l distinctly heard it.
He muttered under his breath, "Jew."