Annie Hall

l just try to feel it, to get a sense
of it and not think about it so much.

Christ, l sound like FM radio. Relax.
Still, you need aesthetic guidelines
to put it in social perspective.

l don't know. l mean,
l guess you must be sort of late.

You know, l've got to get there
and begin whining soon.

Are you busy Friday night?
Me? Oh, no.
Oh, l'm sorry, l have something.
What about Saturday night?

Nothing. No, no.
You're very popular, l can see.
- l know.
- You have plague?

l meet a lot of jerks.
l meet a lot of jerks, too.
l'm thinking about
getting some cats.

Wait a second! No, no!
Oh, shoot!

Saturday night, l'm going to sing.
You're going to sing? You sing?
No kidding!

- This is my first time.
- Really? Where?

l'd like to come.
- l'm interested.
- No, no. l'm just a--

l'm auditioning at this club.
lt's my first time.

That's okay, 'cause l know exactly
what that's like.

You're going to like nightclubs.
They're really a lot of fun.

lt had to be you
lt had to be you
l wandered around
And finally found

This somebody who
Could make me be true
Could make me be blue
