And even be glad
Just to be sad
Thinking of you
l was awful! l'm so ashamed!
l can't sing.
So the audience was a tad restless.
What do you mean, "a tad restless"?
My God, they hated me!
No, they didn't.
You have a wonderful voice.
- l'm going to quit.
- l'm not going to let you.
- You have a great voice.
- Do you think so, really?
- Yeah! lt's terrific.
- l never even took a lesson either.
- Listen, give me a kiss.
- Really?
Why not? Because we're just going
to go home later.
There's going to be all that tension.
We've never kissed before.
l'll never know when
to make the right move.
We'll kiss now and get it over with,
and then we'll go eat. Okay?
We'll digest our food better.
Okay? Now we can digest our food.
Corned beef, please.
l'm having pastrami on white bread...
with mayonnaise, tomatoes and lettuce.
So, your second wife left you.
Were you depressed about that?
Nothing that a few mega-vitamins
couldn't cure.
- Your first wife, Allison.
- She was nice.
That was my fault.
l was too crazy.
That was so nice!
That was nice.
As Balzac said,
"There goes another novel."
You were great.
Oh, yeah? Yeah?
- Yeah, l'm wrecked.
- You're wrecked.
l mean it.
l'll never play the piano again.
lt was, l don't know.
You really thought it was good?
Good? Yes. No, that was the most fun
l've had without laughing.
Here, you want some?