Annie Hall

lt was yours, actually.
But l approved it immediately.
You think l talked you
into something.

No. We live together,
we sleep together, we eat together.

Jesus, you don't want it to be
like we're married, do you?

- How is it any different?
- Because you keep your own apartment.

lt's there. We don't have to go to it,
deal with it...

but it's like a free-floating life raft
that we know that we're not married.

That little apartment
is $400 a month, Alvy.

- That place is $400 a month?
- Yes, it is.

lt's got bad plumbing and bugs.

My accountant will write it off
as a tax deduction. l'll pay for it.

You don't think l'm smart enough
to be serious about.

Don't be ridiculous.
Then why are you always pushing me
to take college courses like l was dumb?

Adult education is a wonderful thing!
You meet a lot of interesting
professors. lt's stimulating.

Does this sound like a good course:
"Modern American Poetry"?

Or, let's see...
maybe l should take
"lntroduction to the Novel."

Just don't take any course
where they make you read Beowulf.

What do you think? Should we go
to that party in South Hampton?

No, don't be silly.
What do we need other people for?

We should just turn out the lights
and play hide the "salam" or something.

Well, l'm going to get a cigarette,

Grass, right? The illusion that it makes
a white woman more like Billie Holiday.

- Have you ever made love high?
- Me? No.

lf l have grass or alcohol,
l get unbearably wonderful.

l get too wonderful for words.
l don't know why you have to get high
every time we make love.

lt relaxes me.
