Annie Hall

They scream at that.
Write me something like that, will you?

Kind of a French number.
Can you do it?

Where am l?
l have to reorient myself.

This is the University
of Wisconsin, right?

Because l'm always tense
when l'm playing a college.

l have a bad history with colleges.
l went to New York University.

And l was thrown out of NYU
my freshman year...

for cheating on my metaphysics final.
l looked within the soul
of the boy sitting next to me.

My mother, an emotionally high-strung
woman, locked herself in the bathroom...

and took an overdose
of mah-jongg tiles.

l was depressed at that time.
l was in analysis.

l was suicidal, as a matter of fact,
and would have killed myself...

but l was in analysis
with a strict Freudian.

And if you kill yourself, they make you
pay for the sessions you miss.

Alvy, you were just great.
l'm not kidding.

College audiences are wonderful.
You know what? l think l'm starting
to get more of the references, too.

Are you? The 12:00 show
is completely different than the 9:00.

l'm looking forward to tomorrow. lt'll
be nice. You'll meet Mother and Father.

They'll hate me immediately.
No, l don't think they're going
to hate you at all. Contrary.

lt's Easter. We'll sit down and eat.
l think they'll really like you.

lt's a nice ham this year, Mom.
Grammy always does such a good job.
Great sauce.
lt is.
lt's dynamite ham.

We went to the swap meet.
