In all your pictures,
there was no picture of your mother.
Tell me about your mother.
My mother was an alcoholic.
What was she like
when she was drunk?
She was superb
when she was drunk.
She'd get good and drunk,
she would be fantastic.
That's the truth.
Nobody knew her like I did.
One time, we took my bicycle...
...and we just went.
We got on a highway and we rode,
and she was drunker than...
And, of course, it got dark before
we got to where we were going.
And we had to call my father up...
...and he had to come down
in the car and pick us up.
And we couldn't get
the bicycle in the car...
...and my mother started laughing
and I started laughing.
My father didn't like it much.
And then we'd get her home...
...and my father would put her to bed
and she'd sober up...
...and it was over.
And I'd just have to wait
for her to get drunk again.
One summer...
...my father...
...sent me off to visit my aunt
for a couple of weeks.
And when I got back...
...my mother was in a hospital.
And they wouldn't let me see her.
I couldn't understand it.
They wouldn't let me see her.
She died in her room.
I must have been
about 11 or 12 at the time.
And a nurse...
...there, she told me my mother
wrote me a note when I was away.
But my father took it...
...and he wouldn't let me see it.
I couldn't understand it.