I don't want any land, Leonard.
I don't want it.
I don't give a damn
if you want it or not.
I'm talking about legal matters.
You know something, big shot?
You haven't changed a bit. Not a bit.
There. There's some pictures
she sent for you.
Tell me something.
You wanna know when she dies?
I'm serious.
If you don't wanna know,
I won't tell you.
Yes or no?
When your mother dies,
want me to get in touch with you?
No, no. Don't bring any bill.
Just answer the question, yes or no?
When the mother dies,
does the son wanna know about it?
You go home, Leonard.
Go home.
- Rabbits.
- There were rabbits at Silverstone.
There were rabbits
on the track at Barcelona.
I always said Spencer Black
lost his leg...
...because there was something
headed for the track.
I think I'll go see Karl Holtzmann.
His family sent him to Leukerbad.