Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Are these non-random signals here, 40,
36, 10, in response to that?

They should be. We've sent
this combination out for weeks.

All we're getting back
are numbers.

This could mean the India sounds
reached a dead end.

They don't mean a thing.
There's so much we don't know.
How about where the signals originate?
Ex cuse me.
What letter is 104?
Ex cuse me.
Before I got paid to speak French...
...I used to read maps.
This first number is a longitude.
Two sets of three numbers.
Degrees, minutes and seconds.
The first number has three digits,
and the last two are below 60.

It's not in the right ascension
and declination on the sky.

These have to be Earth coordinates.
There's a globe in the office.
This is what we need.
Maybe there's a release pin
underneath here.

That's a $2500 globe!
What are you doing?

All right, everybody, quiet down!
Hold it down!

The antenna. How dumb!
-Which way's it pointing?

That's Wyoming.
