Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Alternating white to red.
The colors are striking.
Center, this is TWA 517.
Traffic now looks like
extra-bright landing lights.

l thoughtAirEast
had his landing lights on.

lt could be a satellite.
l have a primary target now
in your 1 0:00 position...

...five miles, over.
Affirmative, 31.
The traffic is proceeding northeast.
No altitude readout.

Roger, Center. lt doesn't appear
he'll be a problem.

He's going to descend
about 1500 feet below me.

Wait a second!
Stand by, one.
Okay, Center, AirEast 31.
The traffic has turned.

He's heading formy windshield.
We're turning immediately.

Descend and maintain flight level 31 0.
Break Allegheny,
turn right 30 degrees.

Get on the horn to the 45th Recon Wing
and see what they're testing up there.

Do you have test operations
in restricted area 2508?

AirEast 31, roger.
The traffic is luminous and
exhibiting non-ballistic motion.

Roger. Continue descent
at your discretion.

Okay, Center. Descent
atpilot's discretion is approved.

The traffic is approaching head-on,
ultra-bright and really moving.

And right by us! Right now!
Now that was really close.

AirEast 31 is out of340....
Ask if they want to report officially.
TWA 51 7, do you want to report a UFO?

TWA 51 7, do you want to report a UFO?

Negative. We don't want to report.
Air East 31 ,
do you wish to report a UFO? Over.

Negative. We don't want
to report one either.

Air East 31 , do you wish to file a
report of any kind? Over.

l wouldn't know what kind
ofreport to file, Center.

Air East 31 , me neither.
