Cross of Iron

My respect, Colonel
A 1937 Moselle in the
southernmost corner of Russia?

A bottle of Mosells is no more
out of place in this region

than we are ourselves
Your health, gentlemen
I'm not gonna drink to my health
It's not worth drinking to

To the end of the war?
Colonel, why does our presence
here strike you as so absurd?

Captain, why did you ask to be
released from duty in France?

I want to get the Iron Cross
We can give one of mine
No, no, I'm just joking
Actually it's exactly what my
commanding officer in France

asked me, I can't stop you
he said

Since I'm convinced that
without you

the eastern front would collapse
in a matter of days

Go ahead, you heroic horse's ass
Heroic horse's ass!
His exact words!

I withdraw my toast to the
end of the war

To heroic horse's asses

To the patient flash
Colonel, I would like to make
something quite clear to

Captain Kiesle?
I volunteered for this campaign
because I feel that men of

quality are needed here
It is time to destroy the myth of
Russian invincibility

Just how do we do that?
Reinforcing morale, punishing
those who're insubordinate

and rebellious
instilling a new respect
for ranking officers

Low morale goes hand in hand
with defeat after defeat

followed by impending defeat
