Corporal Steiner?
I'm Lily Marlin
Come here, son
Steiner! I want to show you
what our new army looks like
What's your name, son?
Private Dietz, sir
They're sending us babies now
Hello, chap?
Private Dietz
How long have you been
Six weeks, sir
I volunteered, sir
Don't volunteer for
anything around here
Kern and Kruger here
and myself
Do exactly what we says and
you'll be wearing your boots
up to your ass for a long time
Yes, sir!
And don't call me sir
Excuse me
Go with this foul smelling one
over here
Show his bunker
Kern, see if you can find a
jacket or a blanket
something for the boy
They must have something
over there
Yes, sir!
Oh, excuse me
Stand at ease
Thank you, sir